Chris Reeves

President’s Christmas Message

As we close on what has been a difficult year I would like on behalf of the Committee like to wish you and your families a safe and Merry Christmas.

In acknowledging the year that has been 2020 I would like to thank the outgoing leadership in Rob Coulthard and Matt Holt for steering us through a very difficult time. We did manage to get four race meetings in, which is more that I thought we may on my drive home from the Melbourne F1 that was not to be.

Over the last three weeks I can report that your new and very experienced committee have been working very hard to give our 2021 season the best chance to succeed despite the uncertain times we now live in. Vice President Garry Mennell has put together a calendar that has been posted on our website and it looks to be a cracker with two special events and a likely invite to Queensland for a “State of Origin” type race meeting.

I can also share that we are well under way with our new regulations overseen by our new Technical Manager Brian Anderson who will also now act as a category manager at 2021 race meetings. Chris Gough will perform the role of Technical Officer and Bruce Colbey will be our new, no nonsense Driving Standards Officer, these roles are not new to either of them and I believe we will have the best race management of any category in the championship.

A full review of our finances, sponsorship, club systems and documents has been done. 2021 will see a new constitution to be voted upon by members. We have spoken to and reaffirmed commitment by our current sponsors in V-Sport and Allworth Homes who have also weathered the same tough year so please support them where you can. A great deal of time and effort has gone into reviewing our tyre contract with MRF-Mentor Tyres and I am certain the review will continue into early 2021. As a committee we will explore new sponsorship opportunities and increase our media output in a way that is more consistent and relevant to our members.

We have already had conversations with Queensland Production Touring along with a Western Australian concern looking to have Production Cars included as a class within IPRA for 2021 and expansion to a club for 2022. We are working with MA for a unified set of 3E class rules (2022), which can only be a good for our future. We will in any case produce a Production Touring Cars “Hand Book” that will govern our racing in any race format be that National, State or a stand alone event.

I think you will agree 2021 and beyond look exciting for our club and Production Touring Cars as a whole. Enjoy the Christmas and New Year’s break, and then prep those cars, there is a big race season coming.


Chris Reeves

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